Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Part Two

Friendly (As in not rude.) Criticism is welcome. (I forgot to say that last time... Or the time before that. So... yeah...)

But here's Part two of Three. (Stupid Characters...) It's much shorter, and I hope to have part three up tomorrow...

Illogical. Part Two.

Here, Anna said as she stopped at the grate, This should be it. And with that said, Anna gave Alexsa back control of her body. Alexsa flexed her fingers and tried to reach her nose with her tongue. She still couldn't reach. She stretched a little bit as she asked Anna the need to know question. So I just drop down and I'll see Jo?



Listen me and don't interrupt me again...

Got it. Alexsa answered as peered down the though the grate, she couldn't see anyone, Was everyone gone just to get Ricky? No way.

Good, you'll have to drop down, turn around, and get past the high grade security door and then you'll find Josiah.

What do you mean I'll find her, I won't have contact with you? She pushed on the grate, and it swung open, hitting the wall in the process, but still no one came. Alexsa started to get tingly.

Clever girl. You're right, I'll still be here of course, but the door blocks out all radio transmissions, and since I speak to you though a radio-

-in my ear-

You won't hear me.

Okay. So once I get down there I'll have no back up? No help.

Yes, Alexsa, this is your mission, your the genius the makes Einstein look like a college student... You can do it,

I know, Anna, it's just unnerving. Alexsa leaned out of the shaft to see what was under her. No guards in the hallway. They weren't a waiting for her in the hall. She stared at the door with the number pad on it. But was Jo really behind? Without another bullet? You sure only Jo's behind there?

No, I can't be, not absolutely anyways, but that's where the blueprints say her room- cage- is, and my own sensors tell me that's only a single living person behind there.

But your-

Yes, My sensors are still on the fritz, Anna sounded annoyed, really annoyed, about that fact, and Alexsa ignored the fact that it was her fault, so I can't even know for sure, that's true.

"Figures, but okay." Alexsa muttered. She took a deep breath, prepared herself, and then dropped to the ground. The buzz in her ear was gone, and she knew she was on her own.

She looked at the door with a sigh, "I'm so sorry Anna," She muttered looking at the number pad. Time to get to work...